Sunday, November 27, 2011

Becoming Brave (Overcoming Fear)

For me this year has been about being courageous—in Indonesian, berani.  It has taken a lot of courage to move halfway across the world, learn a new language and culture, and birth my first baby in a foreign country.  I need courage each day to drive my scooter to language school because I still am afraid to drive here.  I need courage to try to communicate with people in a language that I am not yet proficient in.  I also need courage to allow friendly people—even strangers—touch and hold my baby. 

A little more on the topic of my baby being touched: Zoe is very popular here.  Girls walking home from school want to touch and kiss her.  Indonesians at restaurants ask to hold her and have their picture taken.  Most people who come near her touch her hand, clap near her face, or poke her cheeks.  She is generally friendly and tolerant.  What a blessing to have an outgoing, smiley baby in a culture where babies are highly valued and always touched!  Zoe opens a door for conversations with new people every day.

So where does the courage to smile when potentially germy people kiss Zoe, drive my little scooter, try to communicate even though I often get things wrong, and generally live so far from “home” come from?  I am encouraged by God, my friends here in Indonesia, and by people who love me and pray for me back home. 

When Joshua was going to lead the Israelite people to the land where God wanted them to live, God told him “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).  I am encouraged because I know that God is just as present here in Indonesia as he is in the United States, in my parents’ home, in my churches, and in any other place on earth.  I do not need to be afraid to live here.

In July I was in labor in the hospital for a full two days before Zoe was born.  When I was exhausted and wondered if I would be able to finish, God reminded me of a verse in the Bible that I memorized as a child: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).  I am so thankful to be following a God who is alive and who helps me in the times of my deepest need!

This morning I was reminded that I am not the only one who needs help overcoming fear daily.  In fact, I think my experience may be normative for a lot of people (or at least women) here (and probably in other places too)!  At my small group fellowship meeting this morning we read Luke 12:6-7 "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."  Two other women mentioned how this encourages them not be even talked about trusting God to protect her children and when driving a scooter! 

What about you?  Are you often afraid?  What helps you to overcome fear and to live your life courageously?

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